Service Learning Community Partners

我们的服务学习伙伴以许多不同的方式为我们的社区做出贡献. 请在下面找到我们所有社区合作伙伴的字母顺序列表, 以及他们所做的工作的描述和联系信息.

Spring 2024 Partners

奥尔巴尼国际中心/双语项目家长教师协会(AIC/DLP - PTA)

Contact: Natasha Howlett, Co-president, 
Address: 50 Lark St, Albany, NY 12210

AIC/DLP是奥尔巴尼公立学区内的一所独特的学校. It houses a K-11 program for newcomers to the US. It is also the home to the dual-language preK–5 program which alternates the language of instruction between English and Spanish weekly; students in this program come from Spanish-speaking and English-speaking families.

The AIC/DLP Parent Teacher Association (PTA) works to support school activities and create opportunities for community-building across the school and with school families. 志愿参加家长会可以让你了解一个文化背景的背后, linguistically and socioeconomically diverse school.

作为PTA的志愿者,你可以参加每月的PTA会议, either listening to the conversation and developing ideas, or supervising some of the children of those attending the meetings (Meetings for 2023-2024 are tentatively set for 09/20/23, 10/18/23, 11/15/23, 12/20/23, 01/17/24, 02/28/24, 03/20/24, 04/17/24, 05/15/24, 06/12/24) from about 5:30/6 p.m. to 7 p.m. (to be confirmed). We will also invite you to subcommittee meetings to help organize various events or to discuss school and community safety. Most meetings are held in the evenings. We love help with making flyers, sharing information on our Facebook page and coming up with activities in conjunction with our events.

虽然说多种语言不是必须的,但这是有帮助的. The most common languages spoken at our school include: Spanish, Arabic, Pashto, Farsi and Bengali.

Albany Police Athletic League (PAL), Inc.

Contact:; (518) 435-0392
Address: 844 Madison Ave., Albany, NY 12208

The Albany Police Athletic League (PAL), Inc. builds partnerships among youth, police and the community through collaborative programs designed to encourage and develop good citizenship and improve the quality of life in Albany, New York.

Albany PAL is seeking help from students with our afterschool and athletic enrichment programming. We are looking for motivated students who are positive, energetic and compassionate; have the ability to work with diverse populations, are flexible and adapt to priority changes; are reliable and committed; pay attention to detail; enjoy learning new things; strive to produce high quality work; conduct themselves in a professional manner and are very responsible and organized.

Majors/backgrounds which would best fit our volunteers include: education/childhood education; behavioral & social science; social work; healthcare; public health; business administration & management; public policy; and communications. 我们欢迎有兴趣在非营利组织做志愿者的人加入. 课外课程结构为10个月(9月至6月),假期与假期相吻合 Albany City School Calendar.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany

Contact: Salley Zgolinski, Director of Community Services,, (518) 512-3577 
Address: NY 12144伦斯勒学院街201号(通讯地址:NY 12144伦斯勒邮政信箱28号)

天主教慈善三县服务为伦斯勒的社区成员提供基本需求, Albany and Schenectady County. Our services include daycare, after-school programs, summer camps, food pantries, soup kitchens, emergency assistance, free tax preparation assistance, and services to the senior population in Schenectady County. Our service to over 16,000 people in our local communities is critical to assisting individuals to meet their basic needs such as food and stable housing.

我们欢迎学生在位于特洛伊,伦斯勒和奥尔巴尼的食品储藏室提供帮助. All programs operate Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Hive of Hope

Contact: Christina Paddon at (518) 650-8951 or 
Address: 161 Central Avenue, Albany NY 12206

希望之巢是首都地区清醒娱乐的好去处. 对于那些致力于在清醒中过最好生活的人来说,这是一个安全的避风港. Through fellowship, recreation, exercise, nutrition, and service, 那些正在康复的人过着更充实的生活,互相帮助克服毒瘾. Our state of the art community center, known as The Hive, is equipped with a gym, cafe and recreational room. 我们的使命是用贡献的愿望取代使用的需要.

这是一个很好的安置学生拥抱清醒或清醒好奇. 与我们一起做志愿者的学生可以协助会员和志愿者的吸收, cafe operations, event planning, data entry, 与我们一起在社区做志愿者,并在家庭活动中提供帮助.

Hope 7 Community Center


  • 志愿参加课后活动或了解一般信息:Maggie Hall, Youth Program Coordinator, (518) 272-8029,
  • 食品储藏室的志愿者:Sherri Capparello,储藏室协调员,(518)272-8029,

Address: 596 Pawling Ave., Troy, NY 12180

There are two positions to choose from:

  1. 希望七号在宝林大道596号的总部有一个纽约州许可的课后项目, and runs Monday thru Friday, 2:15 to 6:00 p.m. Opportunities are available to work with children individually or in groups for various activities supervised by our staff.
  2. 希望7号有一个食品储藏室,平均每月为198个家庭提供食物. The Pantry is open: Monday thru Friday, 9:30 - 11:45 a.m.; Thursday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m.; and the last Saturday of every month from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. 有机会协助送货,上架和服务客户.

Lansingburgh Boys and Girls Club

Contact: Treva Ryan, (518) 235-4143, 
Address: 501 4th Avenue, Troy, NY 12182

The Lansingburgh Boys & Girls Club provides a healthy environment of social, 为6 - 18岁的男孩和女孩提供教育和娱乐节目. 俱乐部周一至周五下午2点至6点对普通会员开放.m. 在冬季的几个月里,有可能是晚上. Our School Age Child Care program is licensed by New York State and is available for youngsters in grade K – 6. Program highlights include games room and gym activities, arts and crafts, computer lab, homework program and snacks.

Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County

Contact: Nancy Benz at (518) 244-4650 or 
Address: 纽约州12180特洛伊市第1街71号(邮寄地址:纽约州12180特洛伊市第1街65号)

Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County plays an important role in our community by offering English, math, financial, 每年为大约200名成人学习者提供计算机知识培训. Through a cadre of trained volunteer tutors, we provide one-to-one and small group tutoring to Capital Region residents with low literacy levels – including English language learners (non-native speakers). 我们为学生免费提供保密服务.

我们在特洛伊和奥尔巴尼都为学生提供了很多机会. 在任何一个地方,我们都可以让学生帮助我们的成年学生入学, sorting out the resource rooms, providing programs to low level readers, and/or English Language Learners (ELL), grant writing, coordinating special events.

We will also have a special five-week program providing Health Literacy to intermediate ELL students at Albany and Rensselaer County libraries.


Contact: Jim Gandy, 
Address: 61 Lake Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Participants in the service learning program can perform all of their work at home transcribing veteran oral histories.

How this program works:

  • Contact Jim Gandy at and express an interest in this program.
  • Jim will email you a set of instructions, 成品的样品应该看起来像一个目录记录的老兵. 你还会在YouTube上收到一个口述历史的链接.
  • You simply record exactly what is said, and by whom, in the interview into a Microsoft Word document or similar; PDFs are not accepted.
  • Once you are done, you will be sent instructions to email the finished Word document to the Museum.

New York State Museum

Contact: Kathryn Weller at or (518) 486-3600
Address: 222 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12230

纽约州立博物馆在我们的课后项目中接待学龄儿童. When working with the after school program, Hudson Valley students serve as mentors to students in the program and assist students with their homework. The program runs weekdays from 2:30 to 6 p.m. 我们很高兴找到一个与您的日程安排相匹配的志愿活动时间表!

Noteworthy Resources (NWR)

Contact: Meaghan Hurley, Volunteer Coordinator,
Address: 930 Broadway Suite 1, Albany NY 12207

NWR’s mission is to empower communities and make supportive holistic resources accessible through educational workshops, community events, support groups, and skateboarding. 我们以有趣、清醒和创造性的方式实现精神、情感和社会支持.

我们每个月都会举办许多社区活动、心理健康见面会和项目. 我们正在寻找社区志愿者参加我们的活动/项目! One of our main volunteer opportunities at NWR is working at the front desk to check-in our guests. We are open Noon - 8:30 p.m., 7 days a week (except for holidays). The first Saturday of each month is a skate meet-up with increased opportunities to help with informational tables, raffles and more.

Volunteers will build community connections, communication skills, nonprofit leadership and organizational strategies, as well as putting your experience with us on your resume!

Starting in the Spring of 2024, motivated and committed students are welcome to propose their own workshop or support group (subject to approval). There will also be opportunities to work with You Are Worthy and Goddesses of Giffen school based programs.

In addition to registering through HVCC, 学生将被要求填写以下注册表格:

St. Coleman’s Home

Contact: Sandy Sasso, Behaviorist and Teacher, (518) 273-4911 ext. 211, 
Address: 11 Haswell Rd, Watervliet, NY 12189

St. Colman's recognizes that each child is an individual with their own strengths and that all children need to succeed. St. Colman's respects the individual needs of children, fostering a caring and therapeutic environment, and emphasizes the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of each child. St Coleman’s operates three programs, an Autism residential program, 自闭症日项目和ED(情绪紊乱)项目.

The school is open from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. every day. Students arrive by bus at 8:15 a.m. They follow a school schedule and are off on holidays and potential snow storms (they will contact volunteers by phone to let them know).

学生志愿者可以选择一个特定的项目, or they can spend time across all programs; they can spend some time shadowing social workers or physical therapists. 大多数志愿者都喜欢帮助学生做功课, chatting at lunch with them, playing a board game or uno, building social skills, playing along during gym activities, 在我们的职业课上做项目或参加stem活动, helping our students with school to work program, singing, 在我们每月的舞会或Just dance活动中跳舞. HVCC students would become positive role models. 欢迎任何想把项目、游戏或活动的想法带到课堂的人.


The Sunnyside Child Development Center

Contact: Kimberly Piser, (518) 274-5986, 
Address: 9th Street and Ingalls Ave., Troy, NY
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1410, Troy, NY 12181

The Sunnyside Child Development Center, a program of Catholic Charities of the Albany Diocese, is contracted by the Office of Children and Family Services to operate an Advantage Afterschool Program for Troy City School District’s elementary school students, kindergarten – 5th grade. We are looking for young people who want gain experience or have experience in early childhood education and have knowledge in math, science, and/or literacy to volunteer as tutors/homework assistants for our program students Monday – Friday from 2:30 – 5 p.m. 也有机会与学生一起在我们的电脑室、美术室和娱乐室工作.

Unity House of Troy

Contact: Catherine P. Burns, Volunteer/Intern Coordinator, (518) 274-2607 ext. 4139, 
Address: 2431 Sixth Avenue, Troy, NY 12180

We are a Rensselaer County-based human service agency that provides a wide range of services to meet the otherwise unmet needs of people in our community who are hurting and struggling. We assist those who are living in poverty, adults living with mental illness or HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, and children with developmental delays. We work to achieve social justice in our community and to create a better understanding of those we serve.

Volunteers at the Unity House can expect to contribute to the mission of Unity House by working in the Food Pantry (9 a.m. - Noon and 1 – 3:30 p.m.), the Restyle store (open weekdays 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.) or supporting the Holiday program (starting in November) which coordinates Thanksgiving Baskets and Toy drive. 此外,学生还可以在团结之家观察案例经理与客户的工作.

除了通过HVCC注册外,学生还必须完成一份 General Volunteer Application, a background check form and a Volunteer Release and Waiver before attending the mandatory orientation at Unity House. These forms should be submitted ahead of time to, who will send them on to Unity House. The three-hour orientation takes place the week of Sept. 18, 2023 and counts towards your service hours. Please register for the opportunity in advance of Sept. 18, 2023 so that the service learning coordinator can work with Unity House to choose a time that works for all students.

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Center for Service Learning